Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Clever Glass Pool Fencing Installation in Adelaide is the Ultimate Choice for Safety

An important part of owning a family pool is ensuring that the area is as safe as it can possibly be.  Stylish Glass Pool Fencing Designs in Adelaide are also the option that is most supported by  parents looking to protect their children. It is natural for parents to initially show concern about  their children in a pool, and no amount of fencing can be completely child proof. Unfortunately  drownings in family pools still occasionally occur, and it is an unthinkable tragedy. While safety  can be maximized, it takes vigilant adult supervision to ensure the prevention of pool accidents.
Glass fencing ensures maximum visibility, meaning that parents can keep an eye on their children  at all times. Metal fences will obscure areas of the pool, and a split second is all it takes for  something terrible to happen. A glass surround ensures that parents can keep an eye on their kids  anywhere from the kitchen window or the patio. Other fences could also cast a shadow over areas  of the pool which will obscure vision. It is important to note that tinted glass fencing is a popular  choice for some, but this shade does reduce visibility. While it may look aesthetically pleasing, and  might be suitable for adult homes, families with children should avoid this option and stick to clear  glass.
While regular glass items like windows and shower screens might easily shatter, pool fencing is  designed to withstand the elements and some rough handling. Parents need not worry about the  possibility of shattered glass ending up in their pool, as the glass is actually toughened and  commonly between 10 and 12 mm thick to ensure that it is incredibly durable. In fact, glass of this  thickness is tougher than aluminum.
Unfortunately, kids often play with balls and toys in the pool, and sometimes the worst does  happen and the glass will break. The good news is that pool fencing is specially designed to break  into large chunks which do not have sharp edges. This way, kids can carefully get out of the pool  without worrying about tiny shards of glass and then get a repairer in to fix the damage.
Glass is one of the hardest surfaces to climb, which makes it a very reliable option for pool  barriers, particularly to young children and family pets. The panels need to be set very close  together and near to the ground, so that there is no chance of getting a foothold. Traditional iron or  steel pool fences must also be deemed 'unclimbable' in order to abide by Australian regulations,  but there is no doubt that smooth glass is a much safer bet. Both frameless and semi framed glass  perimeters are equally safe for children. Frameless designs are fused directly to the tiles or paving  of the pool surround, so there are no gaps that toddlers might be able to crawl under.
There are strict government regulations surrounding the manufacture and installation of all pool  fencing in an attempt to combat the horrific incidence of infant drowning. All residential pools  must be adequately fenced with a barrier that is at least 1.2 metres high, has a self closing gate and  a child safety latch. Ensure that your glass fence has all of these features before agreeing to  installation. Pools should be a place of enjoyment and family fun, and with the right supervision  and safety measures, they can be. For more tips on how your beautiful glass pool fencing project  in Adelaide can comply with Australian standards, you can visit the informative website of Q  Glass and Glazing at

1 comment:

  1. The good news is that pool fencing is specially designed to break into large chunks which do not have sharp edges. This way, Frameless Glass Pool Fencing
